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Pipeline outputs

About pipeline outputs

Pipelines generate a number of forms of output data:

These are presented in the Outputs Summary, accessed by clicking on the Outputs heading.

Run results

Run Status

The status of the displayed run is displayed next to the Run History popup.

Run History

The Run Number button indicates the current run number. Clicking the button opens the Run History popup, showing details of previous runs. Click on a previous run to navigate to its outputs.

Whilst the pipeline is running it displays run time elapsed.

When the run ends it displays the total run time, alongside whether the run was successful, or encountered an error and failed.

Run Log

The Run Log popup lists the events occurring during a run, allowing you to monitor progress during the run and check the duration of each stage. The Run Log popup also lists the pipeline revision number that a run was initiated from, and who ran the pipeline.

Error reporting

If an error occurs at run time, it will be reported in the Run Status bar, with details of the error in the Run Log popup.

There are two classes of run error:

  • Run failed
    The run failed due to invalid data (for example, trying to perform calculations on invalid dates) or invalid pipeline configuration. Refer to the Run Log for details. Where possible, Quantemplate will record the location of the error which caused a run to fail: Stage, Operation, Output column (from the stage), Function (if applicable), and the first invalid value encountered. Additional invalid values may be present in a column.
  • Technical error
    The run failed for technical reasons such as a platform error or loss of connectivity. Contact if the problem persists.

Validation Summary

If Validate operations have been used in the pipeline, a summary of the results of each validation operation will be displayed.

The summary bar shows the proportion of rows passed, rows with warnings and rows with failures. If a validation rule returns a failure or warning, this is indicated with an icon in the result column. Hover over the summary bar to see the number rows passed, failed or warned.

Click on a summary result to view the full Validation Report.

By default, the results are sorted in the order in which they appear in the pipeline. Results can also be sorted by stage name, operation name or result.

Mapping Summary

If Automap Values operations have been used in the pipeline, a summary of the operations used will be displayed.

In the outputs view, the mappings column lists the number of distinct values input to the operation and the number of distinct values output.

In the example below, 90,533 distinct values were input and 25,760 values were output.

Note that unmatched items can be set to map to a single value, which will affect the number of output values.

The summary bar shows the proportion of rows which are mapped, automapped and unmapped. Hover over the summary bar to see the number of rows for each category.

In the example below, 3 rows were already approved, 64,772 were automapped and 25,758 were unmatched.

Click on an item in the summary to view the full Mapping Report, detailing each mapping and allowing it to be approved for future runs.

By default, the results are sorted in the order in which they appear in the pipeline. Results can also be sorted by stage name or operation name.

View, export and download outputs

About output datasets

The Data Repo is the storage area for clean datasets and reference data in Quantemplate. Pipeline output datasets can be exported to the data repo to be made available for Analyse reporting, or to trigger export to another system via API.

Stage outputs which have been made exportable are displayed alongside their row count, export destination and export status.

Output datasets which have been exported can be externally shared with partner organisations. Externally shared datasets are indicated by the green heads icon. Learn more about partner sharing.

Accelerate run times and reduce the number of items appearing in the pipeline outputs by disabling unneeded stage outputs. See how.

Previewing outputs

Click on an item in the output datasets list to navigate to a preview of the dataset.


Apply filters to the output data preview to understand your data better.

Filter bar keyboard shortcut
Press the F key to quickly toggle open the filter bar on any data grid.

Exporting outputs

Export pipeline outputs to the Data tab to share them more widely within the organisation, explore the data in Analyse, or share via API.

To export an output to the data repo, first ensure it has been made exportable by toggling on in the stage outputs. It will then appear in the Output Datasets list.

Export from the Output Datasets list

To export directly from the output datasets list:

  1. Click in the destination column.
  2. Search for an existing dataset to update and click it to select it, or enter the name of a new dataset and click ‘Create dataset’ at the bottom of the list.
  3. Click the ‘Create’ or ‘Update’ button that appears to the right.

Destination dataset errors

If a destination dataset has been created but is no longer available, due to being archived or the user not having permission, this will be highlighted in red. To resolve this, either select a different dataset, or click the warning icon to open a popup and unarchive the dataset or grant the user permission to edit the dataset.

If the same destination dataset has been selected for multiple pipeline outputs, each instance will be highlighted red. To resolve this, select a unique destinations for each output, or if any of the affected outputs are no longer needed, make them non-exportable in the stage outputs.

Export from the dataset preview

Individual outputs can also be exported to the data repo from the output preview by clicking on the export/download button on the top right.

Dataset Information popup

The Dataset Information popup shows information about how a dataset has been created and updated, and where it is used as a reference dataset. Read more about it here.

Downloading outputs

To download an output from the Output Datasets list, hover over the output and click the download button which appears on the right.

To download an output from the dataset preview, click on the the export/download button on the top right.

Download file formats

The default download format is Comma Separated Values (CSV) in standard configuration. To change the download file format from the Output Datasets list, click the download settings button on the top right of the table and select the preferred format.

To change the download file format from the Dataset preview, click the edit button in the export/download popup. The selected format will be remembered as the default for all outputs of this pipeline.

File format
Standard Comma Separated Values format.

Speciality formats
Select your preferred delimiter character. To support different regional number formatting settings in Excel, change the delimiter to semicolon.

Extended character set (UTF-8)
.csv .txt
Extended character set (UTF-8) support may be required if your data contains characters outside the ASCII character set. This is likely to be the case with accented characters, special punctuation or non-Latin alphabets. Selecting UTF-8 may reduce compatability with other systems. To format a file containing special characters for use in Excel, select UTF-8 and Include Byte Order Mark (below).
Include Byte Order Mark
.csv .txt
A Byte Order Mark is a set of characters prepended to the data to inform Excel which character encoding has been used and so how special characters should be displayed. Select this option, plus UTF-8 (above), to use data containing special characters in Excel. Note that compatability with other systems may be reduced when this option is selected.

The download format can also be set from the export download popup in the dataset preview.

Bulk actions

To download or export multiple datasets at once, select the datasets using the checkboxes on the right. Click download or export in the batch action bar which appears on the top right.

Only datasets with valid destinations will be exported. If multiple datasets use the same destination, these will be skipped.